I’ve had writer’s block and I’ve been procrastinating a lot lately. I’ve also been a bit of a hypocrite because I’m not practicing what I preach. I often talk with my clients about the importance of practicing creativity every day. I counsel to them, “Don’t wait for inspiration, it’s important to show up and do something…anything.” As Picasso said, To know what you’re going to draw, you have to begin drawing. But yesterday, I realized the…
Top Tips For Coordinating An Internal Event
A wide range of different departments and experts can coordinate meetings and events. For example, coordinating an internal event at one company may mean an entire events department handles it but at another company, a sole administrative person may be assigned the job. The job assignment can vary depending on resources and the scale of the internal event but if it falls to you, you will need to know how…
Can Events Help Seasonal Affective Disorder In Employees?
January can be a tough time for employees. From coming back to a new grind after a long holiday to continuing to muster energy and excitement during a dreary winter season, employees face tough challenges to stay on task at work during the first month of the year. While we aren’t claiming to be psychologists or experts in seasonal affective disorder in employees, we do have the benefit of having…
5 Key Elements of Great Music Team Building
Music team building is a niche but rapidly expanding corner of the team building industry. Supported by a mix of creativity and innovation, it provides attendees with an inspirational combination of key elements that (when done right) make for some pretty serious and amazing results. But achieving this kind of synergy and output isn’t without some “magic”—magic in the form of specific elements you need to make sure are included…
How To Ensure Innovation in Team Building Activities
Team building activities can range from the bleak to the awe-inspiring. The goal, of course, is to bring team members together in a way that inspires them to grow and develop as individuals and as a team, ultimately produces better, more meaningful results from the collective output. However, the extent to which any given team building activity recognizes success often hinges on the amount of innovation infused into it. If…
Positive Words That Begin With The Letter C
Confident, celebrate, contribute and, for us song writers, creative! Positive words beginning with the letter C leave a lot of options for use in your writings. Use them in a song, your next company email or even just your next passing conversation. The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be about change or…
Why Public Speaking Is One Of The Most Important Skills
Discussions of public speaking courses bring up sitcom-like memories for some—and complete panic for others. From high school to college to professional training programs, the element of improved speaking looms large in many educational settings. While fears of speaking in public (and overcoming them) are the topic of many articles, the reasons for mastering the skill aren’t always apparent to non-performers. However, from the most minute of public speaking responsibilities to…
What The 80/20 Rule Means In Team Building
The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto principle, generally refers to about 80% of your results coming from about 20% of your efforts. Often referenced in sales, this rule actually applies to virtually anything in which you can apply varying degrees of effort and responsibility. In team building, this could be the amount of engagement you get, the contributions to overall efficacy or even simply attendance rates. To truly amplify your…
A Very Team Building Thanksgiving: Kidbilly Music Gives Thanks
Every year at this time, the country gets just a little more nostalgic and sentimental for the past year. Whether you’re remembering your company’s triumphs, enjoying a trip through time in your personal memories or a mix of something in between, there is always a moment of reflection that gets just a little clearer during Thanksgiving. This year, Kidbilly Music is pausing to look back on the past year and…
Positive Words Beginning With The Letter B
Brilliant, bountiful, breathtaking and of course, best. Positive words beginning with the letter B are yours for the taking this week. Use them in a song, your next company email or even just your next passing conversation. You’ll be all the BETTER for it! The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be…
Positive Words Beginning With The Letter A
The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be about change or improvement. -Kidbilly Music Words are the foundation of our ability to provide engaging and inspirational music team building activities. After all, what is the value of a song without words? This week, we are looking at positive and inspiration words…