Recent Team Building Through Song

NORANDA ALUMINUM shared one hundred of their top management with us, including their CFO & CEO. My cheeks hurt after laughing for about an hour straight. Along the way everyone learned more about their colleagues, their company and themselves. LEADERSHIP RUTHERFORD County kicked off their year long leadership training with Team Building Through Song. Thanks for trusting us to break the ice! WE’RE IN THE NEWS and we’re so happy….

When Cookies Mean Cookies

I FOLLOW my daughter on Twitter now. And the other day she tweeted the following: #cookies. That was the entire tweet. My mind immediately went through the strategic process a business person’s mind would go – Hmm, I thought to myself… what’s the angle, what’s the strategy? How can this get my daughter more followers or help her promote her message? What does she mean and what does she want? So…

PCMA Education Conference

As a supplier, (someone who sells services to event planners), I often view conferences as a sales opportunity with little thought about the educational value of attending. Quite often, I’ll judge my ROI by who I’ve met and what potential I’ve created for additional work. But my recent trip to Montreal for the PCMA Education Conference has changed my view of these trips. Yes, I made great contacts with lots…

Choosing the right words

So many coaches use the expression, doing a 360, when they’re talking about change. I read a great article today, by Dan O’Sullivan, that reminds me how important language is. As a songwriter, I try to stay in deep with word use, pondering the best way to express something and playing with alternatives. In my work as a facilitator, I’ve found that good word choice can greatly accelerate the impact…

Back To School

Back to school time brings back memories and stirs emotions; a potent mix of summer heat, recent summer adventures and the promise of fall with new beginnings. As I plan to head up to New York soon I’m reminded of the past, and excited about what’s in store for the future. My daughter is beginning college in NYC and I’m getting ready to visit some wonderful clients there who are…

Team Building with Affinion

Do you ever have days like this. It was my goal to write the June newsletter first thing this morning…here it 4:30 pm and I’m just getting started. It does feel like summer, 88 degrees in Nashville and sunny. Maybe that’s the problem! Well, onto the news. We recently worked with The Affinion Group and as usual, I believe I learned as much as our clients. This was really fun. I…

Marathon Team Building

I really meant to write this on  Sunday morning, my adrenalin was still flowing as were my emotions. But time does slip by and here it is Tuesday evening. Now the thinking part of my brain has kicked in, yikes! I’m left with the memory of the feeling, but not the feeling itself. When we have an experience that bonds us with a group we long to maintain the wonderful…

Team Building Relevancy

Your team has certain dynamics, some great, some good and some not so good. Don’t forget the personality and productivity of your team mirrors that of the individuals who make up the team. Building a more productive team requires positive, experiential group activities like our program, Team Building Through The Art of Songwriting. The building experience mirrors your daily corporate team activities. During the process of writing a song with…

Lyrics & Laughter: Team Building Fun

LYRICS & LAUGHTER WE CALL IT Team Building Through the Art of Songwriting, but our latest group dubbed this Lyrics And Laughter. An experienced industry audience, PRA Destination Mangement, became our biggest fans. PRA’s National Sales meeting welcomed the Kidbilly Team in Las Vegas on August 8th and our inbox has been overflowing with praise and enthusiasm: You and your group did a tremendous job of getting our group to…