Improve Remote Employee Engagement With Virtual Team Building 

The consistent advancement of technology has made it easier for us to never have to leave the comfort of our homes. Some would argue that the trend of remote work has had a negative impact on some aspects of our work life, including productivity. So as remote work continues to become the new norm, how do you improve virtual employee productivity?  You can start by implementing some of the remote…

Top 10 Creative Employee Engagement Activities

a group of funny employees at the park

Have you noticed the energy at the office dwindling? It seems like an ominous gray cloud has been parked over everyone’s cubicles for months and there is no sign of it breaking up. Sounds like your company is in desperate need of some creative employee engagement activities.  In an era where people spend one-third of their lives working, it’s crucial to keep employees engaged. Introducing elements of fun in the…

Does Music Increase Productivity?

music at work can increase productivity

When asked the question, does music increase productivity?, my immediate response is to shout yes, yes, yes from the rooftops…I might even be seen shaking a tambourine for emphasis, haha.   As a lifelong musician, hit songwriter and veteran of bringing music to the corporate world, the idea that music increases productivity is pretty well proven for me personally.  But perhaps you’re a leader of a biotech company or the…

Does Employee Engagement Matter?

Without employee engagement you may feel like this person

As a leader in your organization, you have some big decisions to make for the coming year. Should you invest some of your available budget and precious time into events and activities that boost employee engagement? Or should you just throw in the towel and buy those new standing desks everyone is talking about?  It seems like buying some desks might be easier than really tackling your workforce challenges. And…

Can Events Help Seasonal Affective Disorder In Employees?

January can be a tough time for employees. From coming back to a new grind after a long holiday to continuing to muster energy and excitement during a dreary winter season, employees face tough challenges to stay on task at work during the first month of the year. While we aren’t claiming to be psychologists or experts in seasonal affective disorder in employees, we do have the benefit of having…

How To Announce An Upcoming Meeting Without Inspiring Groans

Ok, everyone, on the count of three, how much do you love receiving the monthly reminder for the next “All Staff Development Meeting”? One… Two… No, we’ll stop you there. We already know the answer. You’re already groaning at the thought of it. Maybe it is the tone-deaf announcement from a sterilized, watered down company voice. Maybe it is the overly corny, “no one gets the joke except the one…

Team Building, Millennials and Engagement

Millennials need engagement. They need to feel involved and they need to feel ownership. Team building is a vital component to achieving all of this. I was reminded of this today while meeting with my business manager, Rob Taylor. Rob mentioned how different his young associates are than the veterans, or Gen X’rs. Millennials have an expectation of finding satisfaction in their work. They view this as a vital part…

Co-creating Engaging Events

Wow – I wasn’t sure just how the program would work, although I knew it would work. How can I make that statement? How can I have made that statement to my client prior to our event? The answer is simple, Engagement. Co-creating Events My experience has taught me that groups we work with are highly engaged during our team building activities. Fun, music, laughter and creative challenge begs participation,…

Engagement Catalyst

The contemporary workforce demands engagement in ways that require more than just financial compensation. Being part of a team, sharing a sense of purpose, belonging, and shared mission are vital to promoting positive corporate culture and engagement. Employees want to co-create their shared vision of what they do. Believe it or not, I didn’t just make that up. We often hear from business owners who worry about their team lacking…