Building Trust: The Bedrock of Strong Teams

team building in a recording studio

We all know the feeling –  walking into a new team environment unsure of who to trust or how to build strong working relationships. But trust isn’t a one-way street. It’s a reciprocal feeling that needs to flow between employees, managers, and the company itself. The good news? There is help available if you want to learn how to build trust within a company. Why is Trust Important? Trust is…

Do Team Building Events Work?  

a group making music at a team building event

Team building events often get a bad rap as forced fun or cheesy exercises. But done right, they can be transformative experiences that strengthen your team, boost morale, and even improve performance. Let’s explore why team building events work, address the criticisms, and offer practical tips to help you plan effective team programs. Why Team Building Works The Common Criticisms of Team Building The home page of our website used…

The Importance Of Music For Work

As I got off the phone after a conversation with the CEO of a Fortune 100 company I was both surprised and pleased. Surprised that this busy executive would spend thirty minutes talking to me about songwriting, and pleased that he understood the importance of music in corporate life. Music is such an integral part of all of our lives. Most of us have favorite playlists or songs we turn to when we…

Positive Words That Begin With The Letter C

Confident, celebrate, contribute and, for us song writers, creative! Positive words beginning with the letter C leave a lot of options for use in your writings. Use them in a song, your next company email or even just your next passing conversation. The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be about change or…

Positive Words Beginning With The Letter B

Brilliant, bountiful, breathtaking and of course, best. Positive words beginning with the letter B are yours for the taking this week. Use them in a song, your next company email or even just your next passing conversation. You’ll be all the BETTER for it! The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be…

Positive Words Beginning With The Letter A

The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be about change or improvement. -Kidbilly Music Words are the foundation of our ability to provide engaging and inspirational music team building activities. After all, what is the value of a song without words? This week, we are looking at positive and inspiration words…

3 Reasons Company Culture Is Not Just A Trendy Topic

Inevitably, just about any popular term that starts out as a relevant message or talking point becomes an overused buzzword. It loses meaning, becomes fodder for the content mill and is increasingly a point of ire and contention among those that simply don’t want their time wasted with unnecessary or unrelatable trends. If you follow business and management thought leadership, you might have recently come to the conclusion that company…

How To Inspire Leaders At Every Level

It isn’t a secret that leadership can (and should) be cultivated at every rung of the corporate ladder–in fact, leadership development at all stages is critical to the advancement of company goals and growth. Yet, often managers and human resources struggle to harness the abilities and leadership potential of its employees, especially at earlier stages of professional development. The downside of this potential problem can be a high employee attrition…