Do you ever have days like this. It was my goal to write the June newsletter first thing this morning…here it 4:30 pm and I’m just getting started. It does feel like summer, 88 degrees in Nashville and sunny. Maybe that’s the problem! Well, onto the news.
We recently worked with The Affinion Group and as usual, I believe I learned as much as our clients. This was really fun. I know I always say that, but it’s true.
I never get tired of writing songs with people. It is such a joy to watch participants discover how creative they are, how funny they are and how much they have in common. Most importantly this group learned a lot about working together.
During our discussion after the event, a participant commented that she’d now walk down the hall to confer with a co-worker in person. Previously, they were communicating via email even though their offices were about 30 feet apart! Do you do this sometimes…or often…
Some clients view team building as extracurricular. Once they’ve participated in the program they view it as vital: productivity, shared goals, renewal, focus and re-dedication. All for the price of a song, why haven’t you done this?