The Importance of Creativity in Business

a think creative graphic for your office

There is a common misconception that creativity is only for artistic individuals. Oftentimes, business and creativity aren’t thought of as ideas that coexist. You may think business is for left-brained thinkers, while creativity is for right-brained thinkers. Studies have shown that both hemispheres play huge roles in creative thinking. If creativity is so ingrained in our psyche, there is no doubt that there is importance to creativity in business.  Everyone…

Return On Inspiration – The New ROI

Is return on inspiration really a thing? Yes, it’s a powerful thing. It’s a way of re-framing how you think about ROI. Chasing return on inspiration will help you create a more innovative culture within your team and within your company. If you learn about ROInspiration® and take time to integrate this into your work life you’ll see tangible return – the kind you can eventually quantify. I’d Never Heard…

How To Be Creative

painting as creative exercise

One of the things I most often hear my clients say is, “I don’t know how to be creative. I’d like to be but I don’t know where to start – and I don’t know if I even have it.” Like the it is some magic thing that you’ve either got or you don’t. This reminds me of a very old joke. It’s ancient but still relevant. A visitor to…

Music and Memory

I’m not great at memorizing a speech. In fact, it’s really hard for me. But I can sing the lyrics to hundreds of songs with ease. And if there’s a new song that I like, I’m usually able to sing the lyrics after hearing that song just a few times. I bet you can too. Music and memory have a powerful link that enables us to internalize information that would otherwise be…

Unblock Your Writer’s Block

I’ve had writer’s block and I’ve been procrastinating a lot lately. I’ve also been a bit of a hypocrite because I’m not practicing what I preach. I often talk with my clients about the importance of practicing creativity every day. I counsel to them, “Don’t wait for inspiration, it’s important to show up and do something…anything.” As Picasso said, To know what you’re going to draw, you have to begin drawing. But yesterday, I realized the…

Behind the Scenes at Kidbilly Music: What Motivates Billy Kirsch?

Not all of us are so lucky as to possess a “sky’s the limit” creative spirit and intellectual curiosity and then also be able to balance it out with acute business acumen on the technical side. If we’re being honest, not all of us are so lucky as to have even one of those personality traits in abundance. However, for Kidbilly Music founder Billy Kirsch, these two main personal characteristics…

Creative Inspiration

Creative inspiration…zzz…oh, wake me up. Because if I sit around waiting for creative inspiration, I’m likely to fall asleep. If you click the link above, you’ll find a wikipedia article that defines creativity as something new. But that new something is most often an outgrowth of lots of older pre-existing ideas. As a young pianist, I spent much of my time listening to the great pianists I admired, imitating and…

Creative Icebreakers and Energizers

We’re tired of the same ole thing…yawn We’re looking for creative icebreakers and energizers… Everyone’s on their smartphones the entire time… Agreed, me too. I’m tired of the dread I feel when I have to attend a conference, praying I won’t be too bored by the speaker. At corporate conferences, every aspect of an agenda is vital since valuable time and resources are spent to help an organization achieve it’s…

How To Be More Creative

Let’s demystify what may seem like a difficult challenge, how to be more creative. First demystification; creativity is not a thing, as in person, place or thing (noun). If my mom’s reading this, and she usually does read my blog posts, then I’m already in trouble. Because technically, ‘creativity’ is a noun. But if you think of being creative as a given thing that you either possess or lack, then…

How To Be Successful In The Music Industry

If you’ve found this post you’re probably wondering how to be successful in the music industry. I hope you’re not looking for a magic formula; there isn’t one. Oddly enough, or not so oddly, tips for success in music are very similar to tips for success at anything. So it seems right to start with common sense tips that apply universally. And then I’ll share some of what I’ve gleaned…

How To Write A Hit Song

John Cashman and his team at Digital Firefly Marketing asked me to provide a story line for an infographic and I’m so glad they did. It forced me to distill the essence of the songwriting process into something simple, including steps you can follow to write your own song. Check this infographic, How To Write A Hit Song, for what I hope will inspire you to at begin or continue…