Washington DC Team Building

Last week I had the pleasure of working with a large medical association, leading them through their Washington DC team building activity. The group was made up of a high performing team that plans meetings and events for one of the largest associations out there. Pardon the pun, but my task was to provide the team with a tune-up. Our group songwriting process enables teams to recharge, and diffuse tension…

5 Group Activities Using Music

Music, the common denominator for many of us, is a great way to engage your team. The possibilities for group activities using music are as endless as your imagination. Team building continues to be important for success and using music as a team building exercise can be very powerful. Music has the ability to help working groups break through the hierarchical corporate setup that often inhibits great teamwork. Group Activities Using…

Team Building Activities

My assignment for today is general and I don’t like that. Team Building Activities is a broad term, almost too broad to elicit the kind of thought and emotion that inspires creative process. So I thought I’d take today’s blog assignment of ‘team building activities’ and use the challenge to show how we create team building songs with our clients. Creative Inspiration and Team Building Activities Our passion here at…

The Team Building Presentation You Want and Need

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably searching for a team building presentation. But stop, wait! I don’t think you should be looking for a team building presentation. A presentation implies a person delivering content to you, talking at you, rather than collaborating. Team building shouldn’t work that way. The Team Building Presentation You Don’t Want Have you ever had to sit through a colleague’s presentation that went sort…

Songs And Activities That Teach Team Building

While my company’s team building programs are a great catalyst for change we’re honest about something very important. A one-day team building program won’t change your corporate culture for the long run. To make a change last you need to integrate songs and activities that teach team building into your ongoing business culture. Songs And Activities Here’s a good summary of differences between facilitated team building and activities you can…

Nashville Team Building Fights Fear of Singing

I’ve lost my share of Nashville team building work because people are afraid to sing. I’ve heard the following comment more than a few times,  “I love the idea, but my VP is scared to do anything that puts himself out there. I think we’re going to go bowling instead…” Hey, I think bowling can be risky too, at least if you bowl like I do. But on a serious…

5 Ingredients For Building A Team

Unlike my mom who often keeps her recipe ingredients secret, I’m willing to share my 5 ingredients for building a team. These are certainly not the only 5, but they form a good basis for building a team in a natural way that should resonate easily with your group. Building a team with goals and objectives It may seem obvious that it’s easier to achieve your objectives when you know…

Los Angeles Team Building

We often have requests for Los Angeles team building and we have a long list of west coast clients. While we travel worldwide for our music team building programs, Southern California is definitely in our frequent rotation. Every locale has a personality that influences the programming and the particular energy we bring to our events in those areas. Los Angeles team building is loose and laid back, yet still purposeful…

5 Best Corporate Team Building Activities

A client called last week and asked me to a list of best corporate team building activities to follow up on the music team building we did for his company last year. I love repeat customers, but I also sincerely understand the desire to do something different. The most important thing for me is long term relationships and seeing my clients succeed in their goals. The Pragmatic Dreamer Many people…

The Team Builder’s Team

Phew and sigh, I’ve been busy – busy facilitating team building through song, co-presenting at the ASTD International Conference and busy planning for the next event. I’m grateful for the growth our corporate event programs have seen the past couple of years but lately I’ve been missing something. What’s been missing can be described in a word; actually a bunch of words like strategic, relaxed, creative, organizational and inspired. I…

Team Building Songs, Story and ASTD ICE

When you think of the ASTD 2012 conference, team building songs are probably not the first thing that pops into your mind. Yes, there are the more typical sessions on simulation training, multimedia learning environments etc. But dig a little deeper and you’ll notice their are offerings that relate to team building motivation and how they’re related. No, you won’t find this specific class offered, but you’ll find opportunities to…