Honesty Is The Best Team Building Activity

I just read an email from a friend of mine, who while recovering from one kind of cancer found out she had a mass on her kidney and had to undergo additional surgery, fear and pain. The email contained the good news that the kidney mass was benign. But my friend’s description of the anxiety, doubt and physical pain associated with the ordeal was honest, deep and dark. It caught…

Team Building, Injustice and Superheroes

I don’t claim to be a superhero, fighting injustice wherever I see it. In fact, most often I’m too slow to react. And then I’m filled with regret for what I might have done, had I only had the wherewithal to step right in and fix things. However, I care deeply about systems, fairness and invitation. By ‘invitation’ I mean, inviting new people into teams, tribes, groups and helping them…

Team Building Goals

“I don’t know where I’m going, I’m not sure how to get there, but I know I want to be there.” Not exactly a model for a strategic plan, but a good summary of a creative life plan. When I teach about creative process and provide tools to help people become more creative I do stress that being in the process and not being goal oriented is important. This is…

Every Day Team Building

I’m resistant to change and I don’t like to be told what to do. I don’t think I’m unusual in this way. And so when my wife, Julie, told me I “needed” to move my clothes from bins in our bedroom to a dresser in another room, I resisted and quietly did nothing! About a week later, as I was complaining about not being able to reach my clothes without…

Team Building and Hierarchy

I often tell prospective clients one of the benefits of our team building program is that it breaks down established hierarchy and enables co-workers, employees at different levels, and participants from the C-suite to interact on equal footing, without inhibition. I often see a CEO getting a gentle ribbing as a group crafts a lyric about policy or behavior and I often see real results as the interaction enables everyone…

Recent Team Building Through Song

NORANDA ALUMINUM shared one hundred of their top management with us, including their CFO & CEO. My cheeks hurt after laughing for about an hour straight. Along the way everyone learned more about their colleagues, their company and themselves. LEADERSHIP RUTHERFORD County kicked off their year long leadership training with Team Building Through Song. Thanks for trusting us to break the ice! WE’RE IN THE NEWS and we’re so happy….

Team Building with Affinion

Do you ever have days like this. It was my goal to write the June newsletter first thing this morning…here it 4:30 pm and I’m just getting started. It does feel like summer, 88 degrees in Nashville and sunny. Maybe that’s the problem! Well, onto the news. We recently worked with The Affinion Group and as usual, I believe I learned as much as our clients. This was really fun. I…

Marathon Team Building

I really meant to write this on  Sunday morning, my adrenalin was still flowing as were my emotions. But time does slip by and here it is Tuesday evening. Now the thinking part of my brain has kicked in, yikes! I’m left with the memory of the feeling, but not the feeling itself. When we have an experience that bonds us with a group we long to maintain the wonderful…