Building Trust: The Bedrock of Strong Teams

team building in a recording studio

We all know the feeling –  walking into a new team environment unsure of who to trust or how to build strong working relationships. But trust isn’t a one-way street. It’s a reciprocal feeling that needs to flow between employees, managers, and the company itself. The good news? There is help available if you want to learn how to build trust within a company. Why is Trust Important? Trust is…

Fun Corporate Event Ideas To Build Teamwork

a corporate group having fun in a songwriting session

Here’s the thing about fun. Fun has no half measures. Either everyone is feeling the joy, or you and your team are bored. There’s no faking genuine fun; especially in the corporate event space. Presumably you did an internet search for fun corporate event ideas, so you must have somewhat of a hopeful spirit (cue “Don’t Stop Believing”).  As a seasoned facilitator in the event world, I’m here to reassure…

Do Team Building Events Work?  

a group making music at a team building event

Team building events often get a bad rap as forced fun or cheesy exercises. But done right, they can be transformative experiences that strengthen your team, boost morale, and even improve performance. Let’s explore why team building events work, address the criticisms, and offer practical tips to help you plan effective team programs. Why Team Building Works The Common Criticisms of Team Building The home page of our website used…

Best Background Music for Team Building Activities 

Guys making music at a corporate event

The perfect background music for team building activities can set the tone, energize participants, and even enhance collaboration. Don’t let your event fall flat because you didn’t think background music through.  Additional Tips for the best background music for team building activities: By considering the type of activity, the desired atmosphere, and your team’s preferences, you can choose the perfect background music to enhance your next team building experience. Remember,…

5 Minute Team Building Activities for Remote Workers

Remote Team Building Activity

Ever felt like your team meetings and virtual activities were about as exciting as watching paint dry?  You’re not alone. Connecting with colleagues across the internet can be tough, especially when the only shared experience is the occasional cat video GIF. But fear not! Today, we’re throwing that tired old playbook out the window. Forget icebreakers about favorite colors and awkward silences longer than a dial-up connection.  As the experts…

What Are Good Team Building Exercises?

a fun team building exercise in a recording studio

What are good team building exercises? Do they exist? Why does team building always seem to suck? If you’ve been asking these questions then I hope I can help you find a better way to gather your team for something that’s actually fun and productive. Maybe you’ve landed here because your team is feeling a bit disconnected. Perhaps you’re trying to fill the time allotted for team building during your…

Creative Team Building Activities To Jump Start Your Team

Are you burned out on run-of-the-mill team events? Let’s assume you searched out this article because you’re hoping to find some creative team building activities. I get it! It’s hard to find great team programs.  Perhaps you’ve been traumatized by a mildly injurious trust fall. Maybe you revealed an awkward secret during two truths and a lie on that last company retreat. Could be you were just bored out of…

Fun Fall Activities in Nashville

Live music in Nashville, TN

It’s been quite a busy year here at Kidbilly Music! We’ve facilitated Team Building Through Song® programs with groups from all over the globe. From Nashville to cities far and wide, we’ve been rocking and rolling all year. With summer winding to a close and autumn approaching, this seems like the perfect time to press pause for a moment to highlight some awesome fall activities in Nashville.  Why press pause…

Why You Need Team Building Activities for Stress Relief At Work

It’s no secret that stress is an inevitable part of daily life in a fast paced corporate environment. With deadlines, problems to solve, and team dynamics to manage, things can get mega stressful pretty darn quickly. Believe it or not, certain specialized types of team building activities have been proven by real life scientists to reduce stress levels for you and your team. There are various types of team building…

A Guide To Chicago Team Building Programs

Hit songwriter Dave Hiltebrand leads IRI Worldwide through a songwriting session and performance

Every city has a unique personality that influences what it offers to both tourists and its local community. Ever since we began leading Chicago team building programs, I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with other remarkable team building facilitators who excel in their respective fields. They offer a wide range of activities from exhilarating trapeze programs to adventurous sailing excursions and more. Here’s a guide featuring some of my personal…

10 Unique Ideas for Your Annual Conference 

A group meditating at their annual conference

Planning an annual conference that stands out requires innovative ideas to engage and inspire your attendees. In this blog post, we explore 10 unique activities that will take your programming to the next level.  From immersive virtual reality experiences to multi-sensory sessions, here’s a range of creative concepts designed to enhance networking, foster innovation and create meaningful shared moments. Do you want to infuse your conference with excitement, engagement and…