Hard Rock Hotel and Musical Team Building

It was an aha moment, and I thought to myself, ‘duh’. Why didn’t I think of that? Dianne, the event manager at a recent program I facilitated, introduced me as follows: “When we decided to hold our conference at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego, we realized we had to try and find a musical team building program to go with our Hard Rock musical motif. So we thought…

More Than Just A Song

The songwriting process invites participants to take lots of internal information and give voice to it; filling flip charts with ideas, plastering walls with flip charts and then distilling it all – all the cacophony, clutter and chaos into a clear, succinct, pointed, and yes, catchy communication representing the essence of our client’s work – The Song.

Coffee & Creativity

That’s the mystique and challenge of creating. There are no guarantees, no promise of return on investment, only the hope that we’ll stumble upon something magical, or at least something that works quite well!

Get A Coach

The conversation went something like this, “You should find a consultant in Nashville since you’re based in Nashville. That way you can met with him/her easily and have a local connection”. That advice from my friend wasn’t crazy, but it seemed limiting to me in the age of Skype, email, web 2.0 and all the other great communication tools I may be forgetting to remember. So I cast a nationwide…

Team Building and Hierarchy

I often tell prospective clients one of the benefits of our team building program is that it breaks down established hierarchy and enables co-workers, employees at different levels, and participants from the C-suite to interact on equal footing, without inhibition. I often see a CEO getting a gentle ribbing as a group crafts a lyric about policy or behavior and I often see real results as the interaction enables everyone…

Enter Our Contest – You Can Have Us For A Song

Enter to win a free musical team building program for your group. This is our full program including the fun, value, learning and ROI that accompanies all our events. Tell your story, write a song, create a lasting take-away, enhance team communication and inspire innovation. Please answer the following questions to create a compelling reason for your team to win a free program. Or submit any reasons or explanations you’d…

Waxing Melancholy

And by waxing melancholy, I don’t mean getting my old car waxed. Although if an old car has poignant memories for you, you could wax melancholy. I’m thinking about my dog Martha. Martha passed away this week. She was fourteen years old and had been the best family pet anyone could ever want. Losing Martha put me in a melancholy place and brought back fourteen years of memories; not just…

Recent Team Building Through Song

NORANDA ALUMINUM shared one hundred of their top management with us, including their CFO & CEO. My cheeks hurt after laughing for about an hour straight. Along the way everyone learned more about their colleagues, their company and themselves. LEADERSHIP RUTHERFORD County kicked off their year long leadership training with Team Building Through Song. Thanks for trusting us to break the ice! WE’RE IN THE NEWS and we’re so happy….

When Cookies Mean Cookies

I FOLLOW my daughter on Twitter now. And the other day she tweeted the following: #cookies. That was the entire tweet. My mind immediately went through the strategic process a business person’s mind would go – Hmm, I thought to myself… what’s the angle, what’s the strategy? How can this get my daughter more followers or help her promote her message? What does she mean and what does she want? So…