Confident, celebrate, contribute and, for us song writers, creative! Positive words beginning with the letter C leave a lot of options for use in your writings. Use them in a song, your next company email or even just your next passing conversation. The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be about change or…
Why Public Speaking Is One Of The Most Important Skills
Discussions of public speaking courses bring up sitcom-like memories for some—and complete panic for others. From high school to college to professional training programs, the element of improved speaking looms large in many educational settings. While fears of speaking in public (and overcoming them) are the topic of many articles, the reasons for mastering the skill aren’t always apparent to non-performers. However, from the most minute of public speaking responsibilities to…
Positive Words Beginning With The Letter B
Brilliant, bountiful, breathtaking and of course, best. Positive words beginning with the letter B are yours for the taking this week. Use them in a song, your next company email or even just your next passing conversation. You’ll be all the BETTER for it! The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be…
Positive Words Beginning With The Letter A
The power of positivity cannot be overestimated. Inspire your team through example, encourage your staff, and find positive ways to communicate even when the message may be about change or improvement. -Kidbilly Music Words are the foundation of our ability to provide engaging and inspirational music team building activities. After all, what is the value of a song without words? This week, we are looking at positive and inspiration words…
How To Announce An Upcoming Meeting Without Inspiring Groans
Ok, everyone, on the count of three, how much do you love receiving the monthly reminder for the next “All Staff Development Meeting”? One… Two… No, we’ll stop you there. We already know the answer. You’re already groaning at the thought of it. Maybe it is the tone-deaf announcement from a sterilized, watered down company voice. Maybe it is the overly corny, “no one gets the joke except the one…
5 Ways To Amplify An Introvert’s Voice
It can be easy to forget an introvert in the room. Those that don’t raise their hands, jump up in protest or appreciation, or carry the charge into the fray. However, physical silence does not correlate to complete silence–the fact is most of your introverts have just as much to say as your extroverts. The great challenge, however, is to find ways to bring your introvert voices into the conversation…
Fear Of Public Speaking
A while back I wrote an article on how to be a better public speaker. But after an event I was at last week, it’s occurred to me that for many of us, before we can focus on how to be a better speaker, we may have to conquer our abject fear of public speaking. There’s a great Seinfeld quote that summarizes how deep this fear goes, “According to most…
How To Give Great Team Building Speeches
Great team building speeches are presentations that inspire a group of people to want to work together and to share common vision. Simply put, it’s something that gets everyone in the room excited and inspired about the same thing. Additionally, effective keynote speaking for team building needs to leave audience members with a plan of action – something each individual can to do follow up on the inspiration they feel…
Choosing the right words
So many coaches use the expression, doing a 360, when they’re talking about change. I read a great article today, by Dan O’Sullivan, that reminds me how important language is. As a songwriter, I try to stay in deep with word use, pondering the best way to express something and playing with alternatives. In my work as a facilitator, I’ve found that good word choice can greatly accelerate the impact…