Co-creating Engaging Events

Wow – I wasn’t sure just how the program would work, although I knew it would work. How can I make that statement? How can I have made that statement to my client prior to our event? The answer is simple, Engagement. Co-creating Events My experience has taught me that groups we work with are highly engaged during our team building activities. Fun, music, laughter and creative challenge begs participation,…

The Importance of Event Suppliers

Don’t worry. This is not a self-promoting post about why you should hire me as a team building supplier, (although I wouldn’t mind!) This is about the importance of making sure every link in your event planning chain is solid, dependable and ideally stupendous. Last week I provided a keynote session for over seven hundred people. I know from experience that audio-visual can make or break my presentations and performances…

PCMA Education Conference

As a supplier, (someone who sells services to event planners), I often view conferences as a sales opportunity with little thought about the educational value of attending. Quite often, I’ll judge my ROI by who I’ve met and what potential I’ve created for additional work. But my recent trip to Montreal for the PCMA Education Conference has changed my view of these trips. Yes, I made great contacts with lots…

Back To School

Back to school time brings back memories and stirs emotions; a potent mix of summer heat, recent summer adventures and the promise of fall with new beginnings. As I plan to head up to New York soon I’m reminded of the past, and excited about what’s in store for the future. My daughter is beginning college in NYC and I’m getting ready to visit some wonderful clients there who are…