Corporate Team Building Ideas Employees Will Love

It can be hard to find corporate team building ideas your employees will love. Before I began facilitating my own team programs I always tried to steer clear of those organized activities that can be quite uncomfortable. Too often, when you announce that you’ve planned a team building event your employees reactions may be akin to something like, “Hey, wish I could make it, but I think I’m gonna go to…

Expert Tips for Planning a Team Building Event

The way you go about planning a team building event is the most important factor in determining your event’s success. There are many team building options out there and finding a great fit for your organization is vital. There are several key elements that go into finding a fit.  Good preparation is necessary to come away from a team building program with a feeling of satisfaction. When I get an inquiry from a potential…

Songs About Team Work

I was just reading a list of Top 10 songs about team work and I hadn’t heard any of the songs on the list. Then I checked another list and found titles I knew, but the songs weren’t really about team work. It occurs to me that when people come up with their ideas for songs about team work, they’re first and foremost looking for songs that will inspire them and resonate with them…

Team Building Activities In Nashville

The first quarter of the year found us quite busy with team building activities in Nashville. While we continue to work throughout the US and the rest of the world, let’s face it; Nashville team building and songwriting are a natural fit. Selling a musical program in Music City isn’t too hard, but delivering a great program is an ongoing challenge that I love and embrace. Every client we’ve led…

5 Key Elements of Great Music Team Building

Music team building is a niche but rapidly expanding corner of the team building industry. Supported by a mix of creativity and innovation, it provides attendees with an inspirational combination of key elements that (when done right) make for some pretty serious and amazing results. But achieving this kind of synergy and output isn’t without some “magic”—magic in the form of specific elements you need to make sure are included…

What The 80/20 Rule Means In Team Building

The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto principle, generally refers to about 80% of your results coming from about 20% of your efforts. Often referenced in sales, this rule actually applies to virtually anything in which you can apply varying degrees of effort and responsibility. In team building, this could be the amount of engagement you get, the contributions to overall efficacy or even simply attendance rates. To truly amplify your…

4.5 Team Building Activities You Can Do Tomorrow

Planning for a major team building event takes time and, trust us, is well worth it. However, team building in general is an important company process that should be included regularly as a part of common day-to-day functions and agendas for maximum results. Of course, this means you have to be able to introduce a team building activity without a lot of extra effort or manpower–after all, you likely couldn’t…

5 Ways To Amplify An Introvert’s Voice

It can be easy to forget an introvert in the room. Those that don’t raise their hands, jump up in protest or appreciation, or carry the charge into the fray. However, physical silence does not correlate to complete silence–the fact is most of your introverts have just as much to say as your extroverts. The great challenge, however, is to find ways to bring your introvert voices into the conversation…

Chicago Team Building With Music

We’ve had lots of fun lately with our Chicago team building with music clients. Since establishing our Chicago team building through song office a couple of years ago, we’ve seen our events in Chicago grow exponentially. There are fantastic venues that inspire a great experience, from Buddy Guy’s Blues Club to the Chicago Recording Company. These great Windy City spots enable us to create really special Chicago team building with…

Finding the Best Corporate Team Building Activity

Finding the best corporate team building activity isn’t always easy. In fact, what is ‘best’ has variables that are dependent upon the make up of your team or your company. Additionally, team building has a bad reputation because there are so many uncomfortable, non-productive programs out there. I love this quote from an article about a typical corporate team building activity, “The road to hell is paved with trust falls…

Importance Of Team Building

When potential clients ask me about the importance of team building, I usually answer with a few questions. What is the importance of corporate culture? Is your workforce engaged? Should you care? Yes, you should care about culture and engagement. Members of high performing teams need to feel that their work is important, that their work contributes to a greater whole and that there’s company vision driving the day-to-day work….