Importance Of Team Building

When potential clients ask me about the importance of team building, I usually answer with a few questions. What is the importance of corporate culture? Is your workforce engaged? Should you care? Yes, you should care about culture and engagement. Members of high performing teams need to feel that their work is important, that their work contributes to a greater whole and that there’s company vision driving the day-to-day work….

Team Building Detroit

Music and the Motor City go hand in hand. So it’s a natural fit when we get to facilitate our team building Detroit program. We recently led the sales team for our client, Logicalis, through an interactive musical program that included two hundred and fifty people sharing ideas to create a song about the work they do. Here’s how it works. Our Client’s Goals Provide an activity that enables everyone…

Fear Of Public Speaking

A while back I wrote an article on how to be a better public speaker. But after an event I was at last week, it’s occurred to me that for many of us, before we can focus on how to be a better speaker, we may have to conquer our abject fear of public speaking. There’s a great Seinfeld quote that summarizes how deep this fear goes, “According to most…

Midwest Team Building Activities

By early February, those of us who are not Midwestern natives usually question why we moved here. After digging out of a few snowstorms, and remembering the warm places we used to live, the Midwest winters can seem overwhelming. But despite the cold, there is something wonderful and alluring about Midwestern life. Even the large Midwestern cities have small town sensibilities. There’s a laid back attitude and friendliness that’s woven…

How To Build A Successful Team

Have you ever done a google search for, how to build a successful team? I have and the results are endless. Most articles tend to follow similar themes; being aware of how you work and making sure to delegate. Most leaders want to develop a high performing team, but are not sure how to do just that. Here are some thoughts and steps you can take to better understand how…

The Best 2015 Team Building Activity

The search for the best 2015 team building activity may require a few more minutes than you’d hoped. But spending extra time searching for the best program will be well worth it. When you find a good fit for your company, your investment in team building will be rewarded. To kick-start your search, check out this great resource. Below, I’ve outlined what you should keep in mind as you look…

Creative Icebreakers and Energizers

We’re tired of the same ole thing…yawn We’re looking for creative icebreakers and energizers… Everyone’s on their smartphones the entire time… Agreed, me too. I’m tired of the dread I feel when I have to attend a conference, praying I won’t be too bored by the speaker. At corporate conferences, every aspect of an agenda is vital since valuable time and resources are spent to help an organization achieve it’s…

How To Be More Creative

Let’s demystify what may seem like a difficult challenge, how to be more creative. First demystification; creativity is not a thing, as in person, place or thing (noun). If my mom’s reading this, and she usually does read my blog posts, then I’m already in trouble. Because technically, ‘creativity’ is a noun. But if you think of being creative as a given thing that you either possess or lack, then…

Scary Team Building

It’s Halloween so I thought I’d talk about the monster that is scary team building. It’s real and it’s out there all year, not just on Halloween. I love this article with 10 horrifying team building experiences. These scary team building ideas make me laugh, mostly because I can’t believe someone actually planned them for their team. You wouldn’t be laughing if you had to partake in team building like…

How To Be Successful In The Music Industry

If you’ve found this post you’re probably wondering how to be successful in the music industry. I hope you’re not looking for a magic formula; there isn’t one. Oddly enough, or not so oddly, tips for success in music are very similar to tips for success at anything. So it seems right to start with common sense tips that apply universally. And then I’ll share some of what I’ve gleaned…

5 Tips On How To Build Teamwork

Do you know how to build teamwork? Have you worked on building teamwork with varying degrees of success? The answer to both of those questions is probably yes. Most of us have experience building teamwork and have met with both success and failure. I believe the quest to discover how to build teamwork should be viewed as ongoing and constantly evolving. That being said, there are some great foundational tips…