Songwriter Rusty Tabor drove north from Nashville, I drove south from Chicago, and we met for our music team building program to work with eighty supply chain leaders from Cummins.
arCapa, a business leadership consulting and coaching company based in Indianapolis brought us in as part of a day-long session with this corporate group from Cummins. The event was held at IvyTech Community College. They have a great facility with conference and event space.
Our Client’s Goals
- Reinforce and create cohesiveness
- Have fun and re-energize the team
- Explore and define mission and message
Whether it’s music team building Indianapolis, or in other locations, our first step is to align our program with our client’s goals. Cummins wanted to provide a fun experience. There’s real value in taking time to have fun as a team. It boosts a sense of belonging and increases everyone’s engagement. Following this is the goal of re-energizing. We were tasked with helping this group re-connect with the underlying value of their work; to better appreciate their mission. Sometimes, the simple process of identifying and remembering a team’s mission is enough to bring back the positive energy that’s been lost.
Takeaways from Indianapolis
Every organization, and every team within that organization has a story to tell. As songwriters, it’s our job to tell succinct, powerful stories that communicate both message and emotion – so songs are great vehicles to help groups better understand the story of who they are and what they do. A hit song is a very concise message. In a, way it’s the perfect elevator speech. At the end of our music team building session inIndianapolis, this team from Cummins had a powerful song that clearly defined and communicated the best of the work they do.