Connections and the the winding road that leads from acquaintance – to trust – to engagement. Sometimes it takes forever and sometimes things click quickly. As of last August, I hadn’t heard of MCI (an independent, global association, communications and event management company). Fast forward a few months and I feel like part of the MCI family, or at least like a welcome cousin! I’ve just returned from MCI’s annual internal meeting in Montreux, Switzerland where I presented, Harnessing Your Creative Power.
Wow – I was wowed by this meeting of about eight hundred members of the MCI team from all over the world. You’d expect that people in the event industry know how to put together a successful conference, but in reality that is not always the case. So I was excited to see a large event so well executed. Bottom line for me and for the attendees; this was real team building. People with a common goal, some with similar and some with a different set of experiences and skill, came together and learned more about each other and about their shared mission and message. Attendees engaged on a visceral level that will prove to be memorable because the experiences were felt. Yes there was work to be done in Montreux. But the balance of work and play created a supercharged atmosphere that will surely jump start MCI’s new year and help them reach their goals for 2012 and beyond.
This is a smart and innovative company – a company that cares about it’s people. They understand the value in real team building; thank you MCI for enabling me to take part.

MCI created a song to support their CSR efforts