Fun, it’s not just for weekends anymore. And concurrently, work isn’t just for weekdays anymore. We’re always plugged in, online, catching up or working ahead. I know very few people who go more than 24 hours without checking email or Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Since the lines between work time and play time have blurred, fun has to be an integral part of your organization’s culture in order to sustain energy, enthusiasm and engagement.

When you think of the word fun, you may picture children on a playground, adults laughing around a dinner table or maybe skydiving. And every scenario with fun in it shares an important commonality. There is no boredom. In fact, the word boredom is an antonym for fun. When you’re having fun you’re in the moment, engaged and activated. Not bored, not looking for the nearest exit.

So it makes sense that fun helps teams to stay engaged. When you’re engaged you naturally take ownership and pride in the work you do and most likely in your organization’s mission and goals. I used to downplay the word fun when I talked to clients about our team building programs. I’d mention productive, inclusive and I’d talk about the great take-aways in the songs groups create. But lately, I’ve been leading off with the phrase, fun team building.

Think of your team having fun and what do you picture?

  • People smiling, laughing, talking and engaged with each other.
  • Time goes quickly and discovery happens easily.
  • Experience is shared, challenges aired and best practices compared.
  • Team building take place naturally; fun builds teams.

What kind of fun have you had at work lately?

  • I’d love for you to share what your organization does to engage, to maintain energy and enthusiasm.
  • If you’d like some ideas, let me know and I’ll be glad to respond.
Team building fun promotes engagement

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About Billy Kirsch

Billy is a Grammy & Emmy nominated, CMA & ACM award winning songwriter with numerous Top 10 hits to his credit. His team building programs and keynote speaking presentations help people tap into their creative abilities to become more innovative and engaged in their work. Clients include Fortune 100 companies and organizations throughout the world.