The Best Conference Energizers

Conference energizers are important. They’re not just fluff and they shouldn’t be an afterthought. Choosing the best conference energizers for your programming is vital. If you’re going to dedicate both time and money to any portion of your conference, then it deserves thought and planning. The Best Conference Energizers Iowa State University has a page on the school website about Energizers, Icebreakers & Teambuilders. I think it’s fantastic that this…

How You Know You Need A Team Builder

Bad day at work. Another bad day at work. Followed by a bad day at work. It could be a personal problem. Or it could mean your organization needs a team builder. We’re all aware of the momentum sports teams have. There’s an intangible confidence, creativity and energy when a team’s in the zone. And conversely, when a team needs a team builder, or a tune up, there’s a lack…

Using Music As Energizers

I’ve recently noticed an uptick in the number of conferences and group events that are looking for an energizer to get their attendees focused and ready to go. So I thought I’d explain how we’re using music as energizers at Kidbilly Music. A Conference Needs An Energizer The first question to answer is why a conference needs an energizer of any kind. The meeting of two personalities is like the…

Keynote Speakers: Hire a Conference Energizer Instead

I’ve participated in lots of conferences, both as an audience member and a speaker. So I have strong opinions about the character that keynote speakers should bring to your event. When you’re hiring keynote speakers, make sure she or he is a good speaker. Sounds obvious – but the delivery of the message is as important as the message itself. Keynote Speakers Who Help You Nap Let’s say you’ve researched…

Team Building Events and Fear

We’re never at our best when we’re fearful. Fear can be an upfront, overwhelming feeling or a subtle part of our everyday workplace environment. Creative people know that being afraid to fail is a stumbling block to trying new things and thus, to problem solving and innovation. Team Building Events help groups confront their hesitation to act, moving teams outside of their normal comfort zone. That zone isn’t always a…

A Real Team Event

Connections and the the winding road that leads from acquaintance – to trust – to engagement. Sometimes it takes forever and sometimes things click quickly. As of last August, I hadn’t heard of MCI (an independent, global association, communications and event management company). Fast forward a few months and I feel like part of the MCI family, or at least like a welcome cousin! I’ve just returned from MCI’s annual…

Losing the Keys to the Keynote

You know how it is when you’re all ready to go out to a meeting, or a show…nice and calm. And then you can’t find your car keys. All of a sudden you’re not calm, you’re stressed and off balance. And when you finally do find the keys, you rush to the car, drive away to fast, a bit disheveled and none to pleased with yourself. That’s the feeling I…

The Importance of Event Suppliers

Don’t worry. This is not a self-promoting post about why you should hire me as a team building supplier, (although I wouldn’t mind!) This is about the importance of making sure every link in your event planning chain is solid, dependable and ideally stupendous. Last week I provided a keynote session for over seven hundred people. I know from experience that audio-visual can make or break my presentations and performances…