Planning for a major team building event takes time and, trust us, is well worth it. However, team building in general is an important company process that should be included regularly as a part of common day-to-day functions and agendas for maximum results. Of course, this means you have to be able to introduce a team building activity without a lot of extra effort or manpower–after all, you likely couldn’t manage a big affair as often as you should promote positive team building experiences. So while we’re happy to discuss with you the options at your disposal for your next big company team building event, here are 4.5 team building activities you can do tomorrow. (Seriously!)
1. Host A Scavenger Hunt
Break up your group into small teams for a scavenger hunt. You can get creative with it by setting up local spots near your office–but you can also keep it simple and in your office. Use it as a way to get employees to work together, learn something new about each other and have a little fun along the way. You could even use it to announce new plans or company goals, leaving clues at each spot as to the big announcement.
2. Personal Show & Tell
A great way to “get to know” your employees is to create an employee version of Show & Tell. Come up with several questions that pairs of employees need to find out about each other and encourage staff to bring pictures or personal items that help illustrate answers. From the things they are most proud of to their personal interests, employee Show & Tell is a great way to help others learn a little more about each other on a personal level.
3. Play Pictionary
Yes, we really mean that game. First, if you’re not used to doing anything like this, your employees will be probably be a little confused or hesitant about your idea. After all, a game at work? But that is exactly the point! By allowing employees to break out of their shells, show off their game skills and get excited about something that is purely about play and fun, you will encourage a lot of natural team building. After all, who doesn’t want to be on a team with the formerly quiet guy shouting “BANANA-RAMA!” at the top of his lungs?
4. Matching Game
Kick off a meeting with a quick team building game. Create pairs of items (i.e., peanut butter & jelly, Batman & Robin, pen & paper) and stick one to each attendee’s back so they can’t see which item they have been assigned. Have each person ask others yes or no questions to help figure out what item is on their backs and then find their “match”. The matched teams will work together during the meeting that follows and present as a team.
4.5 Kick-Off Every Meeting With A Team Building Activity
Guess what? Team building doesn’t exist in a bubble–and the best teams make development and support a priority so that they are always working towards a better, more functional team at any given moment. Keep team building goals in mind when creating any event–and make it a point to kick off meetings with even just short activities to refresh the team-centered focus and remind employees that strong teams are critical to success. Any of these ideas (and others!) can be scaled down to a short 5-10 minute kick off so that you can emphasize the importance of team building regularly and easily.