Activities for team building for your company fall into two overarching categories. Team building that you hire and team building activities you can do yourself. The link you just skipped over is a great article containing ideas you can facilitate yourself without leaving the office. I also some have some fun DIY ideas in my own Activities For Team Building For Your Company. You can research team building games on google and lots of ideas will come up. If you’re having fun, if you’re communicating and if you’re engaged that’s team building on a basic level.
Facilitated Activities for Team Building for Your Company
There are good reasons to hire a team building company with qualified facilitators to lead your workforce through a program. Your company’s goals and agenda will influence what type of program you choose but there are some basic attributes all good programs share.
- Fun is an important ingredient. When people are having fun in a genuine way they are present and engaged. They’re also more open to suggestion and change because when we’re having fun we tend to let our guard down.

- Getting out-of-the-box is an overused expression but it is important to break routine. It opens us up to change and helps us buy into change initiatives, often a hard thing for people to do. Team building adventures like trapeze, white water rafting or my music team building program get people out of the box.
- A well facilitated activity for team building will not only provide programming that everyone enjoys, it will ensure you meet your goals. Do you need to work on communication? Are you re-forming your workforce after a merger? Or are you simply celebrating success? Knowing your goals and communicating them to a professional team building provider will set the stage for success.
Most of us take the time to tune-up our cars or do some spring cleaning. It’s equally important to tune-up our company teams to ensure good performance.