Your boss just pinged you to remind you that the conference is only six weeks away. Or maybe you are the boss and you just remembered you said you’d cover it…So now you’re frantically searching for Nashville corporate event ideas.
Corporate Event Ideas
It’s not easy to continually come up with great corporate event ideas. Whether you’re a professional meeting planner or someone within a company who has been tasked with gathering ideas for your next corporate event, it can be a challenge to find programs that seem fresh and that will appeal to your attendees. The search for new programming is somewhat of a creative process. To find new ideas, you need…
Great Icebreakers for Large Groups
I don’t often like icebreakers for large groups. It’s really hard to find fun and effective activities that work with lots of people. In fact, I’d never thought much about trying to develop an effective large group session until a client asked me what I could do for a group of 1,700 people in about 45 minutes. That’s a really big group and the request was daunting. But I was intrigued. It seems there’s…
Create a Conference Breakout that Wins Over the Audience
The image above is from a real conference breakout session. Notice the leader is not stuck in front of the room. She’s asking a question, smiling and looking at the audience. These people are not bored. As an introverted creative type, I’m partial to breakout sessions because I stay focused better in smaller breakouts as compared to the large conference sessions that include everyone. In a conference breakout there’s opportunity…
Why a Musical Keynote Speaker Brings Both Creativity and ROI
There are several great reasons to choose a musical keynote when you’re planning a conference. Musical keynotes are entertaining. They bring energy and positive emotion to a conference. A musical presentation also makes a great statement – that this won’t be the same old boring conference. Additionally, a successful musical speaker will bring value through a relevant message and takeaways. Here is a real-world example of why this is the case: A few years…
Finding a Conference Keynote Speaker Who Won’t Put You To Sleep
I snuck in the back of a ballroom to hear a conference keynote speaker yesterday and noticed that most of the people in the room were restless. Those who weren’t restless seemed to be focused on their smart phones, rather than the speaker. I was at the conference getting ready to lead an interactive song session and even my client, who had hired the speaker, was complaining about the yawns in the…
Top Tips For Coordinating An Internal Event
A wide range of different departments and experts can coordinate meetings and events. For example, coordinating an internal event at one company may mean an entire events department handles it but at another company, a sole administrative person may be assigned the job. The job assignment can vary depending on resources and the scale of the internal event but if it falls to you, you will need to know how…
Can The Good Meeting Ideas Please Stand Up?
Remember how video killed the radio star? It wasn’t quite true but the idea gave us all pause to consider what innovations caused the replacement or reinvention of previously accepted ways of doing things. However, somehow in the world of company meetings and events, few major disruptions have occurred to “kill the radio star” in standard meetings. This probably isn’t a surprise to you if you’ve spent any time…
Interactive Keynote with Billy Kirsch & Darden Smith
What if you just showed up… Award winning songwriters, performers and interactive keynote speakers, Billy Kirsch and Darden Smith have spent their entire careers showing up; sometimes with success, sometimes with failure, but never with indifference! In this highly engaging and productive musical presentation Darden and Billy share the path to their successes and the wisdom gained from failure. Through music, story, and humor, you’ll learn how to be your…
The Best Conference Energizers
Conference energizers are important. They’re not just fluff and they shouldn’t be an afterthought. Choosing the best conference energizers for your programming is vital. If you’re going to dedicate both time and money to any portion of your conference, then it deserves thought and planning. The Best Conference Energizers Iowa State University has a page on the school website about Energizers, Icebreakers & Teambuilders. I think it’s fantastic that this…
Using Music As Energizers
I’ve recently noticed an uptick in the number of conferences and group events that are looking for an energizer to get their attendees focused and ready to go. So I thought I’d explain how we’re using music as energizers at Kidbilly Music. A Conference Needs An Energizer The first question to answer is why a conference needs an energizer of any kind. The meeting of two personalities is like the…